Whenever you're faced with this type of issue, you have to make decisions and this is a priority for most users. It can start to weigh down the company, I had to make a choice, do I choose Google because I have fewer infrastructure issues and have more stability or something else. A couple of years ago Microsoft had a bad infrastructure year and we had a lot of outages. For any SaaS company, stability is the most important aspect of the business, they are a stable solution, but they should be more stable. They went through a tough year this year with infrastructure and having some large outages. It would be a large benefit if they allowed us to host our files on their system for deployment. Whenever you're scripting, it can be a headache to have to deal with. This would allow us to be able to host and build out strictly from JumpCloud because right now you have to have an S3 bucket or some other place to load the file data from to do it. I would like them to either drop the file limitation or increase it to larger file sizes. They have good capabilities, but you can't host your files. I want to be able to build my own package deployments and then run them for updates and some other operations. It's close to being your whole IT department's one-stop shop. The only thing they're missing is a remote connection tool to its endpoints, alert, and monitoring. We had a feature board at one time for requests for features to Jumpcloud. I know Jumpcloud is not an RMM tool, but I think it's very close. Sometimes you receive a list of people with the same first name or last name. When you're trying to query a user and you spell out their name, you don't receive that person. The querying for users in Jumpcloud could be improved, it is sometimes difficult to use. There are plenty of features that are beneficial, such as insight reporting. It produces a lot of functions, there are multiple functions and modules that you're using. There are other features available, such as the integration with dual security which is really good. There are some key features that aren't there that would be possible with an RMM solution, but Jumpcloud is not meant to be an RMM, it's more centered around the directory, radius, and SSO. Adding, removing, and updating applications are in one place for desktop administration. Additionally, having your directory and SSO in one spot is another thing that they provide in application management. There are modules in there for policies where you can create your own which indirectly are GPOs similar to what you have for Microsoft environments, however, they are only doing registry changes. They are very powerful and useful.
Some of the most valuable features of Jumpcloud have been the use of the policies.
It's not hidden, you don't have to go through a show me a quote type procedure. "The pricing is all on the JumpCloud website.
#Jumpcloud ldap query tool license#
We have purchased a license for approximately $3,000 a year, but we are charged more than $135,000 annually." "We are using an enterprise license for JumpCloud.I don't know the exact cost at this time." I know they've done some changes to the pricing model and I haven't been involved in a lot of the licensing lately. For example, the more users you have, the cheaper it ends up being in the end too. They have an all-in-one package and they do have tiers. However, the cost depends on what modules you're using. "The cost of the solution is approximately $12 per user.